Eric Hale ~ Kansas Muzzleloader Whitetail
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Well as every one knows, Eric and Chris love to hunt the state of Kansas every year. For Eric, it has been an amazing state for him at knocking down Monster Whitetails. This year the boys were super excited to check their Wild Game Lights out Trail Cams when they arrived. They immediately recognized a 4 year old buck they call "Little Casper" which they named for all the white on his face. They were super excited as he had turned into a big stocky mature 4 year old. The boys actually passed this buck last year on film as a 3 year old allowing him to reach a mature age and did he ever. Well as luck would have it, the first night in the stand the old buck came out in front of Eric in a huge Wheat field. Due to allot of limbs in the line of fire, Eric was unable to squeeze a shot off. As a result, Eric grabbed his Flextone Grunt tube and snort wheeze and after several call sequences the old buck marched straight to the base of the tree. With an amazing 8 yard shot, the TraditionsVortek LDR 50 cal. made short work of him and he went down on film. Eric is super excited about the old white faced buck and he can't wait to return next year and do it all over again. Now the boys are after Chris a big one.