Possible NEW Record Mule Deer Shed Antlers Found

Posted by: Mike Willand
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Giant mule deer buck that was made famous last summer by the good folks at Field & Stream actually lived through the Colorado hunting season. Not only that, he made it through winter, shedding his antlers recently and propelling the shed hunter who found them into the national spotlight.

giant record mule deer sheds with young guy

Noah Wendland holding both sides of the famous Colorado Mule Deer who was called "Goliath" by so many.

Colorado Springs area local wild-land firefighter, Noah Wendland, had plenty of time on his hands during the early spring as work slowed down. So he decided to keep an eye on the buck he was now calling “Double Beam”. After three weeks of searching, he located an area the buck was using, but was discouraged to see that nearly 20 other shed hunters were also honing in on the now famous animal.

During the evening of St. Patrick’s Day, “Double Beam” was spotted by Noah with both sides on. The next day, following a late start, Noah saw the buck nearly a mile away and this time without either side. Kicking himself for his tardiness, Noah began feverishly searching for the missing sides. He searched for 3 long hours without coming up with anything.

Later that evening, while looking over a spot he had never seen the buck frequent - Noah got the surprise of his life actually spotting the first antler from 100 yards away! After hiding the found half in his vehicle, Noah returned back to the same spot and continued down the deer path where he picked up the one side. Three hundred yards later, he found the other one!

big mule shed laying in grass

North American Shed Hunter’s Club official scorer, Ron Newman, taped the antlers and came up with a gross score of 268 total inches. This score, of course, is without an inside spread measurement. With a spread, “Double Beam” likely comes close to 300 inches gross!

The staff here at the Hunting Network wishes to congratulate fellow shed enthusiast Noah Wendland on this incredible and possibly, not, once in a lifetime find. With this buck still alive the young man has yet another chance to pick up both sides next spring - If he survives the fall. Good luck Noah and congrats!

1 Comment on "Possible NEW Record Mule Deer Shed Antlers Found"

Re: Possible NEW Record Mule Deer Shed Antlers Found

I wonder if they came from a paid hunting area or farm or were they natural wild raised. It's just that any deer or trophy that comes from a place interfered by man to grow something and not wild should have it's separate class. For fairness and pride which a lot of paid hunts have neither!

Posted by John Melland on 5/3/2015 11:58:35 AM

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